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Monday, February 15, 2010

Just can't help trying promising services

Well, I signed up for two more trial memberships for trade advisory services last week.

The first is a stock version of the option trading service that I tried out a little while ago. That one I cancelled due to the strategies not fitting with my account setup or my ideas...naked option writing is not my foreseable future. As usual, I enteredi to the service with the intention of trying it with my active account, no paper trading here. Now, the first week didn't pan out so well as they opened with some long stock positions right as the correction took back some profits. I have closed two of the four trades for small losses but they were small trades anyway.

The second is a new to me service that takes long and short stock and ETF trades as well as some long options (both calls and puts). I already liked his approach and the guarantee was 30 days but it was only $100 for the first quarter. Some of the grades are already showing paper gains. He sets a target entry and exit price as well as stop loss doesn't get any easier than that. I already put three short positions on. This service looks like this could be a keeper as he reacts to the changing market quickly. I actually signed up for a full annual membership today with a half price cancellation policy is in effect after the first 30 days.

I'll track these on my performance page as I get time to set them up on their own tracking spreadsheets. I transferred $5,000 into my kEvin account to give me some playing room (3 times margin if I choose to use it).

Meanwhile I am just waiting out this week to see where my Optioneer trades end up at expiry. I have some losses to book and some adjustment trade profits to figure out. I am spending the week in Missouria on training course so I my have some spare time in the evenings to play with the spreadsheets.


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