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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Putting the trade in context, CMC

I have more history on CMC other than just the trade setup that I posted, I have the whole year and change so I thought I should put the stock and activity into context relative to the current open trade.

A quick note about the changing profit targets. While I had to go back to the charts to see how the target limit orders would have filled it was based on the trades that were dictated already. I do wish that I had actually placed on thee trades and made some real cash... too busy with other plans. The primary entries would not change and most of the second and third would not either but I wanted to check the executions. Seeing as in any case where the primary hit full target the 2nd and 3rd would, necessarily, have also hit their targets as they would have been at lower prices.

CMC- Commercial Metals Co.

40 Trades since June 2009 (these are divided between 1st, 2nd and 3rd entry targets)

First Entry = 19 74% hit profit target
Second Entry = 16 81% of these hit their profit target
Third Entry = 5 80% of these hit their profit target

Not every target is a full target as there are some that the targets are set tighter on due to the next entry being so close, playing the short term moves in both directions can do that. Basically, one exit for a long position is at the same price as the next short entry price so the trade essentially flips. The key is in selecting valid targets.

I plug in a trade value of $1,000 and consider that the trades are all simple with no compounding therefore the trade value of $1,000 is always the same.

Total Profits = $1,781.00

Then using a starting trade value of $1,000 and compounding the profits into the very next trade.

Total Profits = $ 4,885.50

Unlike other speculative and subjective back testing these are firm numbers, now they are adjusted for my commission structure with Questrade so figure in 40 round trades worth if yours are higher. I used $5 commissions or $10 for the trade in and out. It's actually $4.95 for up to 495 shares.

Also worth noting, if I were actually in the trades and was putting money on the line every time I would be able to get better entries and exits in many of the cases but I am using my firm rules based system for both entry and exit for the sake of objective consistency.


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