That noon trade that I was monitoring got ahead of me, I left it ride and when I came back to it the price had climbing and pulled back steep enough that my stop was likely to get hit. I have learned in the past not to adjust a stop if the price is moving fast, especially on high volume, which this was. In modifying the stop the system cancels the first and reorders the second. I have had these rejected as the stop loss cannot be placed higher than the trading price. I have also had them get placed but the delay is large enough that the price just keeps going and I get a poor closing price. So I left it fro a very small profit.
Here is the TICK chart for the day.
I know it is not the clearest in the worked but I decided to not break the day into AM / PM portions for time constraints. It is pretty clear that trades 2 through 6 were at least at the beginning of the TICK trend change. I need to work on my stops and my earlier entries as I get in a little later than I would like but my TICK timing at least doesn't get me nailed to the wall chasing a price and being way out of whack and getting whipsawed. Some of these trades were held for a longer period of time than my normal, which is a good sign all of it's own.
Chart for SDS and the three trades with the green stop lines.

Of these trades, 2 and 4 were not so great, small loss though. 6 was one of the more profitable of the day as I realised that I need to keep my stop tighter so I managed to snag the exit at the first pullback. I would not have tried for more as the 390VWMA was very close (the pinkish heavy line). i considered more momentum reversion style trades but decided I did not have earlier profits to play with.
Chart for SSO with it's three trades and stop lines.

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