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Monday, November 9, 2009

Short on time

I don't have time to update the performance page but I closed a small gainer today and see that most of my positions moved up on the stock price side of things...that does not always equate to gains in the paper profits of the options though...due to some of the very small delta values. All in all I see the portfolio bounced back another $155 though. Every little bit helps, but paper numbers can change quickly.

That puts me at 17 winners in 23 trades so far and my paper loss is eroding as I take these small gains.

Oh, I checked a currency exchange service today and I am now kicking myself for not using them the first time around. I get a whole 4% reduction in conversion when compared to the bank rate.

Today, late this afternoon I got a quote of 1.063 compared to the bank at 1.104. That is $410 difference on a $10,000 purchase. Definitely worth the 45 minute drive to me. Right, transactions need to be in person, considering that I usually have to schedule this drive once a month anyway I can work it into my cash conversion schedule.

Downside, they hold quotes for 30 minutes only so I need to buy USD with whatever my CDN balance is rather than choosing how many USD I want and just writing a cheque for the necessary amount as I need to bring a bank draft in. I get a better rate for transactions larger than $10,000... so I need to save my pennies to save more pennies.


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