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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Daytrading only for now

I decided to stick solely with daytrading for the time being as it is less sensitive to market moves as generally trades don't get held much past a few overnight or for a few days, normally. This lets me focus on one style and set of trades, although I will keep my trend trades as they take nothing to hold.

I will be trading with cash as if it were still the same account that I was using, which means working with the original $6,700 base plus all of the strictly daytrading profits. This lets me bump trades up to $1,200 per trade based on 60% account usage with 7 concurrent trades... which seems to be the maximum target number right now.

Part of my decision has to do with perhaps taking some more holidays and perhaps being out of touch again. It is easier to just close some daytrades than to close longer term trades, particularly when they may be deeper in the red due to fluctuations in the underlying stock...even if it is expected.

I also decided to drop the momentum stats on my main page seeing as those profits are, basically, at zero now. I'll start it back up later.


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