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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Weekends and Websites

As much as I like trading I like the downtime as nothing can happen over a weekend other than activities that I may choose to do with regards to trading. In fact my current trading strategy has me doing a lot more relaxing when it comes to trading in general.

A bit of research, choosing trades for the next week, deciding on trade sizing, maybe running a few more numbers through the wringer.

I am putting some material together for a website now. I have done a few blogs to play around, this one is the only one that I really stuck with regularly, and I am finding it a different animal to get going. Blogs are easy, websites take more care and attention.

I guess a blog is sort of an informal medium while the website idea seems to be more intentional and formal... this just takes more time and is not to be done in half measures.

When I get it going I'll post a link for any that really want to follow along with my trades directly and not just read about the results.


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