HGU chart.

0933h Buy $13.09 Sell $13.50 Gain 41 cents ps Return 3.1%
1030h Buy $13.12 Sell $13.14 Gain 2 cents ps Return 0.1%
1035h Buy $13.13 Sell $13.23 Gain 10 cents ps Return 0.8%
1117h Buy $13.12 Sell $13.27 Gain 15 cents ps Return 1.1%
$ 0.68 gain per share or 5.1% overall return on trades
All of these trades are strictly by the book, my book anyway, except number three as that was just an attempt to get back in for the anticipated move...I jumped out too soon on trade 2 and realized it soon enough to get back in at an OK point. The problem with doing this is that commission tend to eat up any profits...in these cases I saw $24 gross...$4 after commissions, hardly worth the effort.
This is why I have decided to stick mainly to the pivot point entry setups, less "hopeful" trading and more "numbers" trading.
HGD for the downside trades

0946h Buy $8.93 Sell $9.10 Gain 17 cents ps Return 1.9%
1101h Buy $9.01 Sell $9.14 Gain 13 cents ps Return 1.4%
1131h Buy $9.05 Sell $9.10 Gain 5 cents ps Return 0.5%
$ 0.35 gain per share or 3.8% overall return on trades
These trades don't appear to be "by the book" as I use HGU for trigger signals. So where I might sell a short in a regular margin account I would, instead, just place a long order in HGD as long as the price of HGD has not already headed up. It usually lags by a bit so the timing is pretty decent.
The last trade was a momentum...or better yet, a weakness following a momentum move in HGU...or gold if you want to take it back to the source. HGU jumped quickly and there was no way the price had enough support to continue so the quick downside produced a 5 cent move in HGD...with 400 shares I would take this trade as it is a very high probability small target as long as there was enough depth in the inside quotes...which there was here.
That trade was not according to my rules. I have to have some fun sometimes.
So, all in all the morning would have produced an overall net profit of $206. Although there were no real losing trades I did have two of the seven barely more than break even once commissions would be figured in.
This should have been a 5% return on portfolio day for me.
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