Questrade, My direct access discount broker.

Questrade Democratic Pricing - 1 cent per share, $4.95 min / $9.95 max

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March 3rd, the AM, stuck on gold still.

Annotated chart for the Global Gold Index for the morning activity.

As usual red arrows indicate a short trade (Long HGD the bear fund)and the green are long trades (long on HGU the bull fund).

This is a far quicker method of noting these trades. It makes it easier to review them for me so they must be easier for someone else to read as well.

I am playing with a manual method of trailing stops so I am not actually trading these but using the stops to check how much of a particular move I may take. I was having trouble getting too far in the red on trades last week, even though they were small losses the small loss adds to the commission cost and drives down my profits. I determined that the stops are not great at profit protection (I knew this but it is a good reminder, they are called stop loss after all) so I will use them to keep me from taking a greater loss than I planned on and to also act as a safety in the case that I have a connection problem like I did last week.

My tracked trades today netted $219 prior to the noon hour. I was only able to use 300 shares per trade due to the price being around the $10 plus mark. The last trade was nice in that I used the stops and did not jump them too soon, I figured that since I was far enough into profits that I could let it sit until the next target was reached before moving it worked to keep me in the trade past that little consolidation period.


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