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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Questrade, Daylight Savings and Pre-Market Trading

Questrade have a quirk in their QuestraderPro platform, perhaps this exists in the Elite version as well, that it (they) does not acknowledge the new daylight savings time change.

This makes all the charts and quotes appear as if they are one hour late. At 1000h the charts show 0900h.

The only way to get around this is to click on the little clock in the lower right corner of each chart to display the pre and post market trading, otherwise you will not see the fist hour of trading in the morning. It is a little disconcerting at first but manageable. I have not bugged them about it again this year yet though.

The trades happen in real time as the time on the platform does not affect the order process.

This quirk led me to seeing the pre-market activity that I knew was there but was ignoring. I was trying to gauge the opening price based on other markets, which is not necessary but I liked to try to predict where the opening will happen. I do not bad. So I saw yesterday that it was tracking along since 0830h.

ETFs do not appear to be traded pre market, although I thought they were capable there was no activity this morning at all.

Now I am reminded of this additional tool to use to gauge some of the morning activity...right after I pretty much exclude the early morning from my sights in favour of the more established trending patterns of late morning and afternoon trading.

Ultimately this is mostly inconsequential but an interesting exercise that may be useful while managing stops on medium term trades in future.


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