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Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday Update

With the market gapping down and not filling the gap it proceeded to head South. This makes for a very nice day to be in puts.

I surpassed the 100% in my TFSA daytrading account after closing three trades, two mediocre ones and one decent one for a net 60% gain. The benefit of now trading 4 contracts is an increase in profitability as this month I am sitting on $1568.90 in profits with all 4 contracts whereas I would have been sitting on only $1131.90 with three contracts. That is an increase of 38.6% in profitability based on an increase of 33.3% in the trade size. The seeming disparity is due to the reduced relative commission costs of the slightly larger trades.

Ooops...I just closed another trade...but I won't change my above numbers. Call it one more small profit anyway, just closing one that was opened this morning.


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