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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

CMC live stock trade and odd comments

I have been busy with all sorts of projects lately, not the least of which is getting my trading strategy tweaked and making sure that I am positioned where I want to be. It would certainly be a lot easier if I were just following someone else's plan... but wait.... I tried that already and none worked.

So, I have some new trades on the go and they are looking, well, traded. One took off out of the gate for me, which was nice. $1.50 in the first 30 minutes of trading after getting in on the first target price ($26.00) yesterday and seeing it drop by 50 cents ($25.50ish) into the close. Although it dropped that much I was allowing it $3 of room to drop right down to $23.00. Perhaps this will be a shorter than average trade... I always like those.

For my live trade that is posted, CMC, I am in for an average of $14.76. Actually it is only one position so it is hardly an average. I didn't manage to get in at $15 for the second entry (busy) so I figured getting halfway between first and second entry pricing was good enough. It sits at $14.86 right now.

I posted the stop for CMC at $16.00 but I am not overly fond of even dollar stops as they seem to get "just touched" before the price reverses often enough that, at this price level, I will change it to $16.15 or $16.20.

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