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Monday, June 9, 2008

Monday morning update

I am sitting on only two active trades right now, both short positions. Just didn't find anything else to get into right now that looked ideal. I will not enter a trade that looks questionable just to have cash in play at any given time.

ATD/B and BVF. Between the two of these they have the potential to return 10% overall, more is likely but less is also possible. Depending on how long they take to get to the respective targets will determine whether they will meet my running goal. Although I do expect to add two more trades this week I also don't mind just sitting on these two for the time being.

I am working on a method of scanning the stocks to get to my short list of possible trade setups quicker. I'll post something on that later as it's still a work in progess.



  1. so how are these 2 stocks doing?

    i deleted the last post cuz i also wanted to ask at what price you got in at?


  2. ok ok.....i found the answer to my price question.....i am still feeling my way around this site....lots of info.....

