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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Asleep at the wheel...

... or so it would seem.

I just went through and checked my charts this morning and see that I missed entry points on three stocks, COG, GLW and GNK. All would be long positions taken and all would be headed back up now... of course the trigger and entry prices have all been passed. There were two others that also hit my triggers but I don't think I would trade them. In fact I may be dropping a few from my list as they are not moving enough to qualify for my time frame moves.

I am not going to track these for "lost profits" as that is tough to do using options the way the chains and pricing works... although I will mentally note the move as it happens.

I am concentrating on playing with options and lately I have not had the time, or taken the time, to check the various options for each possible trade that comes up. Last week I jumped on CVA and CMC after placing orders for the stocks, then switching the stock orders out for option orders once I had the necessary numbers and option selected.

Today I see enough green in my account to keep me satisfied, now I have to start considering which options I might want to take profits on...or where to take the profits. The one step I have not covered adequately is my intended option profit target based on the stock price move. My spreadsheet has the calculations necessary but I just have not forecasted the stock price to convert.


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