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Monday, September 14, 2009

Profits taken again

Today was a profit taking day for one position. This was an advisory trade so it remains un-named for now.

It turned a 71.25% profit in the about two weeks that I held it. I bought in for $1 and sold at $1.7125 and I held 4 contracts so that was a nice $285 US.

I also entered two more trades today to keep the action moving. Basically I am building my portfolio based on option trades and hope to add more than I sell to have a regular flow of activity... profits more than losses should be the norm. Seeing as I am four for four winners right now I am satisfied. I still have my Morgan Stanley trade that is wallowing a little south of zero, so I will see where that one goes int he future.

I feel a little reluctant to start posting performance as the performance is starting to be not of my own direct making. I have put my P&F trading on hold while I continue to try these option trading advisories. I will sell off my P&F positions as they become profitable but will, for the time being, enter no new ones.

I need to update my account to allow covered calls and puts, which should give me access to certain types of spread trades...I will need to contact my broker to get trade execution details to be sure that these work as I expect them too.


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